Speculative fiction?

I’m in Amsterdam for a conference called The Web that Was: Archives, Traces, Reflections. Today consisted of some interactive workshops, including one run by Amy Johnson and Ariadna Matamoros Fernández using speculative writing to think deeply about the future of the internet. In their workshop “Future historians of the internet,” they asked us to respondContinueContinue reading “Speculative fiction?”

5 Overlaps Between Platform Studies and Games Studies

Checking out the Queerness and Games Conference (QGcon), hosted by Concordia with the involvement of the Technoculture, Arts and Games (TAG) lab and international organizers, has got me thinking! One of the reasons I wanted to attend the conference is that a number of students have approached me for advice about researching topics that bringContinueContinue reading “5 Overlaps Between Platform Studies and Games Studies”

Highlights of the Semester – Winter 2018

[Delayed posting but better late than never!] It’s difficult to believe that four months have already passed since I started my new position in the Department of Communication Studies at Concordia University. It’s been a whirlwind semester and it seems like just yesterday that I was putting final touches on syllabi. As much as IContinueContinue reading “Highlights of the Semester – Winter 2018”

Three flawed assumptions the Daily Beast made about dating apps

(Cross-posted from the Social Media Collective blog) Last week, the Daily Beast published an article by one of its editors who sought to report about how dating apps were facilitating sexual encounters in Rio’s Olympic Village. Instead, his story focused mainly on athletes using Grindr, an app for men seeking men, and included enough personalContinueContinue reading “Three flawed assumptions the Daily Beast made about dating apps”

When it’s sunny, it’s heaps sunny!

Had to refresh my memory about Ellen’s style over the years. Hello from the depths of 3rd year PhD land! This week has been an exciting foray into the past 20 years of lesbian media representation, from k.d. lang to Ellen through to The L Word and contemporary coverage of Kristen Stewart’s ‘gal pals’. It’s noContinueContinue reading “When it’s sunny, it’s heaps sunny!”

2015 Tinder Highlights

While popular media outlets are gathering their ‘highlights of 2015’ stories, I thought I’d share some of the most interesting Tinder developments and articles that I came across this year. They are fascinating (or even bizarre) pieces of data that I came across in attempting to understand the evolution of this popular dating app as we see it today.ContinueContinue reading “2015 Tinder Highlights”

Me, myself, and my selfie: Ways of understanding selfies (SMSociety15 Workshop)

              I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the selfies workshop that I had the honour to be a part of yesterday at the Social Media & Society 2015 conference. We had a great turn out for a session we called “Selfies: Inter-faces and ‘me’-diated bodies”,ContinueContinue reading “Me, myself, and my selfie: Ways of understanding selfies (SMSociety15 Workshop)”

Strolling, not scrolling: Instagram Walkthrough

My Instagramming usually happens on public transport, after frantically leaving the house with a coffee in hand and a heavy book bag . This means that I tend to Instagram while holding my phone with one hand, scrolling with a free thumb, and constantly scanning my periphery to make sure I don’t miss my stop. My photoContinueContinue reading “Strolling, not scrolling: Instagram Walkthrough”