When it’s sunny, it’s heaps sunny!

Had to refresh my memory about Ellen’s style over the years. Hello from the depths of 3rd year PhD land! This week has been an exciting foray into the past 20 years of lesbian media representation, from k.d. lang to Ellen through to The L Word and contemporary coverage of Kristen Stewart’s ‘gal pals’. It’s noContinueContinue reading “When it’s sunny, it’s heaps sunny!”

Me, myself, and my selfie: Ways of understanding selfies (SMSociety15 Workshop)

              I just wanted to take a moment to reflect on the selfies workshop that I had the honour to be a part of yesterday at the Social Media & Society 2015 conference. We had a great turn out for a session we called “Selfies: Inter-faces and ‘me’-diated bodies”,ContinueContinue reading “Me, myself, and my selfie: Ways of understanding selfies (SMSociety15 Workshop)”

Strolling, not scrolling: Instagram Walkthrough

My Instagramming usually happens on public transport, after frantically leaving the house with a coffee in hand and a heavy book bag . This means that I tend to Instagram while holding my phone with one hand, scrolling with a free thumb, and constantly scanning my periphery to make sure I don’t miss my stop. My photoContinueContinue reading “Strolling, not scrolling: Instagram Walkthrough”

A journal article in pictures…and words, of course.

Just a couple of weeks ago, I had a blast presenting my context collapse research to QUT’s Children and Youth Research Centre at their Keyword Seminar “Connections”. Just thought I’d share the slides here since they basically illustrate my article ‘He has a way gayer Facebook than I do’: Investigating sexual identity disclosure and context collapse onContinueContinue reading “A journal article in pictures…and words, of course.”

A bit of practical advice

Your Networked World: Connections, Self-Presentation and Privacy in the Age of Social Media from Stefanie Duguay I’m giving this presentation at a “Lunch and Learn” event at work tomorrow! It will be my first time translating my research and literature review into practical advice and media literacy tips that everyday social media users can apply.ContinueContinue reading “A bit of practical advice”

Social Media & Society 2013: Five ingredients for an amazing conference

Now that I’ve got your attention, just a quick shameless plug that I’ve updated all the pages under the Research tab with the findings of studies I conducted this past year. Have a read about Facebook’s perilous governance practices, what people think their Likes indicate about them, and how LGBTQ young people deal with contextContinueContinue reading “Social Media & Society 2013: Five ingredients for an amazing conference”

Academic elevator speech

“elevator” by whatatravisty on Flickr In evangelist circles, they always say you should have your ‘elevator speech’ ready to go. It’s a 30 second spiel designed to change minds and drive your message home in the time it takes to ride an elevator with a stranger. In (social science) academic writing, the abstract is akinContinueContinue reading “Academic elevator speech”

Using digital technologies to research children in time

This is a presentation I gave last week – developed entirely just based on the prescribed title topic. Feel free to skim any of it (with correct attributions) if it applies to your work! Using Digital Technologies to Research Children in Time from Stefanie Duguay   WHY use digital technologies to research children in time? ContinueContinue reading “Using digital technologies to research children in time”

Queer, Feminist and Social Media Praxis workshop: A diversity of perspectives

This past year, I’ve had trouble referring to my program as ‘Internet studies’ even though it provides a quick alternative to the mouthful that is Social Science of the Internet. Sure, we had to learn about Internet architecture, the actual tubes and wires connecting everything, but really we study people, politics, economics, networks, and interactions onContinueContinue reading “Queer, Feminist and Social Media Praxis workshop: A diversity of perspectives”